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Angela B. Crispin - Ze Blog
25 juin 2009

Linda Kaye-Moses, le livre " Metal Clay Beads" !

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drapeaufra1Il y a des moments heureux où la vie nous apporte le soleil et le bonheur avec le sourire des amis qui viennent de loin nous rappeller a quel point c'est important de pouvoir rire ensemble, parler des choses de la vie et juste profiter du moment. La semaine denière j'ai eu ce cadeau ! Pendant une semaine chargé et des cours avec des élèves  talentueuses, j'ai eu la visite de Linda Kaye-Moses et son époux photographe Evan Soldinger. Quiconque les connait sait à quel point ils sont généreux, adorables et vrai!

drapeauUs1There are happy times when life brings us the sunny pleasure of a friendly smile to remind us of the importance of shared laughter, of "talking story" and just enjoying the moment. Last week I was given this great gift ! During a very heavy week filled also with class and talented students, I had the pleasure of having a wonderful visit from Linda Kaye-Moses with spouse and photographer Evan Soldinger. Anyone who knows them also knows how generous, adorable and real they both are !

Linda Kaye-Moses et Evan Soldinger, Bretagne 2009

Mes amis, Linda Kaye-Moses et Evan Soldinger et moi, Bretagne 2009

Mon amie, Linda Kaye-Moses et moi, Bretagne 2009

drapeaufra1En vacances en France, ils ont fait plusieurs heures de route jusqu'en Bretagne mardi dernier pour que nous puissions passer un peu de temps ensemble. J'avoue que je ne voulais pas qu'ils partent, essayant même de les kidnapper sans succès, quel dommage !! Diner au bord de la mer, puis petit-dejeuner sur le port, visite de la côte et ensuite une bonne balade à Pont-Aven, suivant les tracves de Gauguin !

drapeauUs1On their Vacation to France they kindly drove a number of hours all the way to Bretagne last Tuesday so we could enjoy some time together. I admit I didn't want them to leave and even tried kidnapping them, but it didn't work, bummer ! Dinner by the ocean, breakfast on the port then a drive to show them the coast and off to lunch and an afternoon visit of Pont-Aven, following Gauguin's footsteps !

A Pont-Aven, Bretagne, France 2009

drapeaufra1Et, la cerise sur cet imense gateaux c'est d'avoir reçu son excellent livre dedicacé, en personne et en avant première! Il est maintenant disponible chez Whole Lotta Whimsy sous "books" ou ici. Le soir même, après notre diîner, allant me coucher livre en main je l'ai lu, regardé, re-regardé. Les projets sont originaux avec sa touche si unique, des techniques et des astuces très intéressantes et une galerie de photos d'artistes dont j'ai le plaisir de dire que j'en fait partie.

drapeauUs1And the cherry on this delicious cake was having received her absolutely excellent and dedicated book before its official release! It is available through Whole Lotta Whimsy under "books" or here. After dinner that same evening while going to bed book in hand, I couldn't put it down, and turned the pages over and over. The projects are original, and have her wonderful touch, the techniques and special construction tips are very interesting and the photo gallery, of which I feel super lucky to be a part, is really filled with wonderful work by talented artists in the field.

Chez moi, à la maison, sa Perle Lanterne en main !
At my home, her Lantern Bead in hand !

drapeaufra1J'ai pu voir en vrai et de près sa "Lantern Bead" en projet dans le livre, fabriqué sur un support papier, c'est top !
Linda m'a offert en plus le super CD "Another Spin" de son fils compositeur, guitariste et chanteur, Adam Michael Rothberg, que je vous invite à découvrir sur YouTube. Comme quoi le talent est souvent bel et bien une histoire de gênes ! Ce n'est pas étonnant, ils sont en plus tous des musiciens accomplis dans la famille.

Merci Linda et Evan ! J'attends déjà la prochaine fois, ici ou ailleurs !!!

drapeauUs1I was able to see the Lantern Bead up close and in my hands. it's one of the wonderful projects in the book and uses paper as support, too cool !
Linda gifted me the CD "Another Spin"  by her son, composer, guitarist and singer Adam Michael Rothberg, whom I invite you to discover or enjoy on YouTube.
This really goes to prove that quite often talent is in the genes ! It really isn't surprising either because they are a family of talented musicians as well !

Thank you so much, Linda and Evan ! I'm already impatient for when we get together again, here or elsewhere !


@ Zarah, thank you. Yes! It was an honor to have had it "hand delivered" and to have pieces in such a wonderful book! I have 2 pieces in the gallery section. But the best part was still spending time together!<br /> <br /> @ Maggie, your pieces look wonderful in it too ! The whole book is very well made and elegant. Evan is just as much of a sweetheart, but who could expect less ?! xo
Fancy getting your book hand delivered Angela! I want her to come to Australia and deliver mine too!<br /> <br /> I've only talked to Evan so far, he sounds lovely, we need to meet too!
You must be thrilled to have that lovely book in your hands! Congrats :) You must be so happy. Makes me also want to get new metal clay books. Did you make something of metal clay in that book? :D Hugs /
Sounds like you had a wonderful visitor and that they had a wonderful host! :)
Oh, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall, or a fellow artist listening in. I am glad you had such a nice time. What a beautiful part of the world you live in. I am going to get that book!
Angela B. Crispin - Ze Blog
Angela B. Crispin - Ze Blog
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